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Presale Check List

This document provides a step-by-step guide to preparing for a presale event. It advises checking the events to be sold during the presale, creating a new group, setting visibility and sale dates, and using visitor tags to allow specific groups to participate in the presale. The document also suggests informing visitors about the presale through short descriptions or personalized banners.

To prepare your Presale, we first advise you to check the events you want to sell during a presale in the Events Module.

Take note! These events should be set to specific Groups. With this group, you can manage the dates of the visibility start on the website and the presale itself.

This group needs to be connected to an active Seasons - ‘Current’ or ‘Next (visible)’ for current or upcoming.

A Step-by-Step Guide in Preparation for your Presale

To create a presale on the website, you will need to create a New Group.

Go to Dashboard > Event Metadata > Groups and select Add.G

Groups Module landing page
Groups Module landing page
Settings of a Group
Settings of a Group
  • Code = This is usually a name, for example ‘Winter-sales-2122’’
  • Description = This can be the Same as the Code.
  • Start Visibility = From this date on, all events connected to this group will be visible on the website to everyone.
  • Start Sale = From this date, all events connected to this group will be bookable on the website to everyone.

Now that you have created a new Group, you should select this Group for all events (in the Events module) that belong to this Presale action.

In the picture below, you see a .

Example: show already visible on the website (you can, for instance, check the detail page of the production and all dates), but the sale will start on the 3rd of January
Example: show already visible on the website (you can, for instance, check the detail page of the production and all dates), but the sale will start on the 3rd of January

Presale for a Specific Target Group

Take note! If you want certain Visitors to be able to book events earlier, you will need to use Visitor Tags. Don’t forget to select the box “Presale” in the Groups module.

In this example, the presale of this event has already started for the ‘friends of the theatre’ who have a specific Visitor tag connected to their account. When logged in to the website, they can already buy tickets.

Event on the website with a correct visitor tag
Event on the website with a correct visitor tag

Settings for Presale via the Visitor Tags

Step 1: Turn on the Presale option of the Group in the Groups module.
Groups module with TESTgroup Pre-sale set to Yes.
Groups module with TESTgroup Pre-sale set to Yes.

With the Pre-sale set to Yes, the Group will check the settings of the Visitor Tags to see which visitors are allowed to join the Presale early.

Step 2: Select the Visitor Tag you want to use in the Presale

Go to Dashboard > Marketing >Visitor Tags > Open the Visitor Tag you want to use, for example “Friend”.

Ensure the setting Enabled is set to Yes.

Select the date from which this group can see the event ‘Start visibility’ and buy tickets ‘Start sale’ for the Events within the Group you created.

Setting up pre-sale visibility and sale for a visitor tag
Setting up pre-sale visibility and sale for a visitor tag

In the example above, visitors with the Visitor Tag “Vriend” will be able to see Productions from the 23rd December and to order from the 28th December.

Take note! Visitors who do not have the Visitor tag can see and book tickets from the date set up within the Group to which the Events are attached.

In the example below, visitors without Visitor tags can book from the 3rd January (later than the ones with the visitor tag “Vriend”).

Groups set-up dates
Groups set-up dates

Any rules set will apply to all Events connected to this Group.

Everything ready? It is time to inform your visitors about the Presale!

Pre-sale Personalization

You can use the Short description field for Visitors with Visitor Tags to inform them about the start of sales. This field is visible in their web account and can be updated regularly.


Top Tip Why not add a personalized banner (based on Visitor Tag) on the Homepage about the presale? Feel free to experiment in different ways!

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