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Event Availability, Event Status Changes and Buffers

Event Status Change during Online Ticketing

Take note! This only works in the Peppered order process with integrated ticketing systems.

From Available to Sold-Out

An event will automatically be set to Sold-out when:

  • the event has a box-office ID in Peppered
  • during the order process the final tickets are booked by a visitor or

The Sold-out status can be set in the Control Panel > Status updater setting. Here you can choose which status an event will get when Sold out. Usually this will be Sold-out but you could also use the status Waiting list here for all events that sell out:

Status that appears when an Event is
Status that appears when an Event is Sold-out

Usually, only the website order process will set events to a Sold-out status.

From Sold-Out to Available

By default, events that are set to status Sold-out (or any other non-bookable status) in Peppered will not appear as available (online) again unless you change the status manually in the Peppered Dashboard. Keep reading for more information on changing Event status using the Availability updater.

Updating Event Statuses with the Availability Updater

Take note! This also applies to non-integrated ticketing and hybrid ticketing, as long as there is an API available from the ticketing system and the events have a box-office ID in Peppered

The Event availability updater can be found in the Control Panel. It is a mechanism to check predefined event statuses and change them when possible. This can be triggered manually, or periodically scheduled to run automatically.

In the Event availability updater you can define what event statuses should be checked when the updater is activated. The check can work both ways:

  1. Events with an On Sale status can be checked and set to Sold-out when tickets are no longer available.
  1. Events with a Sold-out status can be checked and set to On Sale when new tickets become available.

Availability Updater settings

Go to: Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Availability updater

The following options are available:

The availability updater in the Control Panel
The availability updater in the Control Panel
  • Statuses to check: This is a list of statuses that will be checked. All other statuses will be ignored when the Availability updater runs.
  • Testing: event IDs: If you want to perform a small-scale test first, enter one or more Box-office ID’s of events here, to run the updater only for those events. Remember to Delete these ID’s after you’re done testing!
  • Availability updater button: When set to Yes. This will enable the Update availability button in the Event module:
The Update Availability button on the Events page in the Dashboard
The Update Availability button on the Events page in the Dashboard

From Available to Sold-Out with the Availability Updater

If you want the Availability updater to check events with certain available statuses and change them to Sold-out, first check the default Sold-out status is defined in Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Status updater.

The default Sold-out status is usually 2 but can also be something else, like Waiting list.

The sold out status for the Status updater
The sold out status for the Status updater

After that is correctly configured, go to: Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Availability updater

Enter all statuses you want to check. In this example all events with status On sale will be checked, and changed to Sold-out if no seats appear to be available during the check:

Status to check if there are any seats left, if not it automatically sets the status to sold out
Status to check if there are any seats left, if not it automatically sets the status to sold out

From Sold-Out to Available with the Event Availability Updater

If you want the availability updater to check events with certain Unavailable statuses and change them to available, first check if the default Available status is defined in Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Status updater

The default available status is usually On sale:

Notion image

After that is correctly configured, go to: Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Availability updater

Enter all statuses you want to check. In this example all events with status Sold-out will be checked, and changed to On sale (or to Last tickets depending of the number of seats available during the check):

Notion image

From Sold-Out to Available & Available to Sold-Out with the Availability Updater

If you want to check both scenarios, make sure you implement the settings as stated above, and just add all Status ID’s to check. Go to: Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Availability updater and enter all statuses you want to check:

Notion image

In this example

  • all events with status Sold-out will be checked, and changed to On sale if there appear to be some seats available during the check
  • all events with status On sale will be checked, and changed to Sold-out if no seats appear to be available during the check

Take note: All invisible statuses will automatically be excluded from this process. Events with a status that is set to be “not visible” will never be updated.

Scheduling the Automated Event Availability Updater

Go to: Dashboard > System > Timestamps > StatusUpdater

In the Timestamps module, make sure the initial start date of the task “StatusUpdater” is today or in the near future:

Notion image

From now on your Status Updater will be up and running! The updater will run every 10 minutes.

Event Availability Buffers

You can set Buffers on events to trigger changes in the Status for Events, for example, changing the Button when a event is almost Sold Out to Last Tickets.

Using a Sold-Out Buffer


You can set up a Sold out buffer yourself. This is useful in case you don’t want to sell all tickets online, or in case there is just one ticket left, and usually your visitors order at least two tickets, so you decide it is better to not offer the possibility at all.

Example: you set the Sold Out buffer of the website to 2 tickets. If an event has only 2 tickets or less available in the ticketing system, the event will automatically change to Sold-out on the website.

The Event Availability updater will also use this status, and change events to Sold-out when the number of tickets is equal to or lower than the Sold-out buffer (see From available to sold-out with the Event Availability updater).

Go to: Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Status updater > Sold out buffer

This is a general buffer that is applicable to all events.

Notion image

Using a Last Tickets Buffer

An event status can automatically change from On sale to Last tickets to create some urgency among your visitors. In order to activate this feature, a Last ticket buffer needs to be set. If the number of available tickets drops below this buffer, the status will automatically change to Last tickets.

Go to: Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Status updater > Last ticket buffer

In this example the buffer is set to 20. If there are 20 or less tickets available for an event, the status is changed to the Last tickets status.

Notion image

If you also activate Last tickets buffer per hall, in the Hall module, you can set a different buffer for each Hall. For a small hall, last tickets maybe means only 10 tickets left, while a big hall can still have 100 tickets left and still use the Last tickets status.

The Availability updater can also use this status, and change events to Last tickets when the number of tickets is equal to or lower than the Last tickets buffer (see From sold-out to available with the Event Availability updater).


If you want to use the Last tickets feature, don’t forget to also add the Last tickets status to the Statusses to check in the Availability updater configuration. If you don’t do that, events with status Last tickets will not be checked, and the status will never change to Sold-out.

Take note! Importing Price Types in the Price Type module and updating prices for events in the event module will not change an event status.

Updating Cross-Sell event Statuses with the Availability Updater

Usually Cross sell event statuses are updated in the order process. However, this can also be updated manually and scheduled daily. This is especially useful when using a Hybrid ticketing connector.

Cross-sell Availability Updater settings

Go to: Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Status updater cross-sells to set default statuses for Sold out and On sale.

Go to: Dashboard > System > Control Panel > Availability updater cross-sells to select which statuses need to be checked and updated.

Updating prices

Prices of events and cross-sells can be manually updated in their respective modules. Prices will also be automatically updated every night.

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