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Statuses of Events

About Event Statuses

Events can have various statuses so that they are displayed differently and have different behaviours on the website.

A status can be managed in the Statuses Module in the Dashboard. If you’re looking for automation for statuses, have a look at the Event Availability, Event Status Changes and Buffers manual.

Video Manual: Status of Events

Language: English (captioned) Duration: 2 minutes, 47 seconds

Take note! Events can be set to status Normal if they are in a group that is not visible/on-sale yet. These will not be shown on the website and do not need changes if they are going live.

Types of Statuses

The most common statuses are:

  • Normal | normaal
  • Sold out | Uitverkocht
  • Cancelled | Geannuleerd
  • Not on site | niet op site
  • Not bookable | Niet reserveerbaar
  • Free online | Gratis
  • Waiting list | wachtlijst
  • Last tickets | Laatste kaarten
  • Call box office [telephone number] | Mail de kassa

When Events are first imported to the Dashboard, they will always have the status “niet op site” (translation: “not on-site”) by default.

Creating a new Status

In addition to the default statuses, new statuses can also be created in Dashboard > Event Metadata > Statuses.

Settings to set up the Status in the Status module
Settings to set up the Status in the Status module
  • Name = This is shown in the Events Module and on the website in the ticket button.
  • Fixed (System Admin Only) = Changes can only be made by the CultureSuite Peppered Consultants.
  • System Name = Used only by CultureSuite Peppered Consultants for special handling of that status. Preferably, this is the same as the display name. The value only matters in some particular cases: standard, free_online, cancelled, sold out, and waiting list.
  • Visible Yes/No = Is the Event shown on the website (or not).
  • Bookable Yes/No = Is the Event bookable (or not). When switched to Yes, if you click on the ticket button, you will go further in the order process.
  • Allow Events with this Status to be Featured on the Homepage = Choose whether events with a specific status should be shown on the Homepage, for instance, among the highlights. For example, some theatres prefer not to show free events on the homepage.

Changing Status of a Event

You can change the status of an event within the Events module:

Notion image

External Sales

You can create external sales for events using a separate button. You can add a new visible and bookable status and give it the name "sales externally", for example. Within the "Events" module, you should place the link in the field "External order link" to the website where the sale takes place.


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