Discount codes unlock special conditional prices, which are usually not visible on the website and during the booking process. When a customer enters a discount code the conditional price will reveal itself, and the costumer is then able to select this special price.
How to create a Discount Code
To create a discount code, go to Dashboard > Marketing > Discount codes.
Now you are in the Discount codes module, a discount code can be created by taking the following steps:
- Name your discount code . The name is not shown on the website.
- Code: This is the code that must be entered on the website for the visitor to receive the product for a special price (maximum 10 characters). Required.
- Start/End: Add the dates for the period in which the discount code will be active on the website.
- Max uses: Set a maximum amount of times the code can be used. If set to 0, the code can be used without restrictions.
- Feedback message: Add a notification that is shown after a code has been approved. For example: "You can now buy tickets with a €5 discount for the performance X!"
- Select the Events for which the discount code should be valid.
- Prices: You should be able to see all conditional prices that can be used for the discount.
After filling in the discount code on the website, the corresponding conditional price(s) will be displayed while booking. In case of an event-related action, the code entry field is only shown (and the price type is only active) during the order process if the selected event is connected to a discount code.
Example Discount Code
Here you see a conditional Price Type (Dashboard > Marketing > Price types):
This price type is connected to a Discount Code created in Dashboard > Marketing > Discount codes):
Below is how it looks on the website: after entering the special discount code, the €0,- price will appear ("code 'kerstvrij geeft gratis V ticket" is the short description).
Discount Code landing page
The Validate Discount code page part can be used as a stand alone feature on a page for any regular discount code. You can create a landing page for any discount campaign. Add the Part to a Page, and when communicating a discount code, use the URL of the landing page.
You can also embed this discount code in a url in your newsletter, so it gets validated automatically when opening the page.
To do this add ?discountcode=XXXXXX (substitute XXXXXX with your discount code) after the landing page page url where you placed the "Validate discount code" part.
Promote Discount price on a Theme list on a page
Theme-list parts on pages can also show discount prices. So it's a great way to use this on your Discount code landing page.
First add a Theme list part to your page:
The next step is to select a discount code in the theme-list part, and the price will show on that page:
Manual: Discount Codes
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