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The visitors module contains all known visitors.

The search feature enables you to find visitors by using the quick search field (search on name, box-office ID, et) or use one of the frequently used filters.

Each visitor has a unique visitor page with all their information. In general, this page is a static overview of the latest information we received about the visitor, and contains personal data, ticketing data and opt-in settings. Since most of this data is either edited by the visitor online or is coming in from the box-office, the Peppered visitor dashboard is not the source where you should change visitor data and settings. It is meant as a tool to check the current known info and settings of all visitors.

A visitor in the Peppered platform contains of at least an e-mail address and optional extra data.

The e-mail address is our unique identifier for each visitor. This means each e-mail address can only exist once in your visitor database.


Each visitor can have personal information and opt-in settings for newsletters. This info is provided by the visitor while subscribing for a newsletter or creating an account, and can be changed by the visitor as well.

As required by GDPR law, all opt-in activity is recorded per visitor, so you can always retrieve this and see when an opt-in setting was changed, by whom, where, and what the original opt-in text was at that time. More info on opt-ins in the opt-in article.

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You can actually edit the opt-in settings in the dashboard, but it is not advised, as the visitor should be in control of their own data.

Box office accounts

Visitors can also have an account. This happens when a visitor has created an online account or the visitor account was imported from the box office during the automated offline ticketing data import process.

Accounts can be identified by the “Box office id” next to the name. When this field is empty, the visitor has no known account.

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When a visitor has an account, all personal data is retrieved from the box-office, which is leading. In that case it is useless to change personal data in Peppered, as this will be overwritten from the box office the next time there is an update or the visitor logs into the web account.

When the account creation and login pages are provided by Peppered, Peppered can create and edit accounts in the box-office system through the ticketing API. Here’s the process in a nutshell:

When logging in or creating an account on the website, the first step is always to fill in your e-mail address. Afterwards there are 2 options:

Fill in your password (only if you already have an account and created a password)

  • The email address and password are checked and when it all looks good we log the visitor into their account.
  • In this process we retrieve the personal data and visitor tags from the box-office system, which is the leading source of this data.
  • When the visitor changes their personal data, we will send those changes back to the box-office directly. There is no delay.

Request a login code via e-mail.

  • This step is essential for new accounts, because with the login email we can verify that the e-mail address is correct and belongs to the visitor. The step can however also be used for existing accounts to skip the password step.
  • The code received in the mail can be entered online. Once this is done, we look for the e-mail address in our visitor database and check if there is already an attached box office account.
    • When we find this account, the visitor is logged in. We retrieve the personal data and visitor tags from the box-office system (via the box office id), which is the leading source of this data.
    • When we do not find an account for the e-mail address in our visitor database, we switch to the “account create” process. We contact the ticketing system and ask them if the e-mail address is known in the ticketing system.
      • If the mail address is known, and there is a box office account, we retrieve the box office id and create the Peppered account. The ticketing account is now connected to the new Peppered account.
      • If the mail address is not found in the ticketing system, Peppered creates a new account in the ticketing system, retrieves the new box office ID and shows extra forms to obtain the necessary (and optional) personal data as required by the account settings. (see visitor account fields Dashboard module). After the new visitor inputs all required data, this is then saved in Peppered and the ticketing system.

Other notable fields

Last activity

This is the date & time of the last known activity of the visitor. Activity is updated everytime a visitor returns to the website (and is still logged in), updates their opt-in settings or unsubscribes from a mailing, or is updated after a change in the ticketing system.


In some cases, for refunds e.d., the IBAN number is required. This field is typically not visible in the online account, but it can be activated.

Organisation & Role / department

For your own CRM it is possible to add visitors to organisations, and add a role. This data is not visible in the online account, nor in the ticketing system. Organisations can be used as filters in the query builder to quickly find all visitors belonging to one or more organisations.

Start Timeslot

If you are using time-slot based pre-sales, the obtained personal timeslot to access the presale is stored here. You can change this if needed, to give a visitor earlier access, or remove it if you want to revoke access to the pre-sale for this visitor.

Visitor tags

An overview of all “website” visitor tags connected to this visitor.

Box office visitor tags

An overview of all box office visitor tags connected to this visitor. These were imported from the ticketing system.


All mailinglists this visitor is currently a part of. These can be used as extra filters in the query builder. You can manually remove mailing lists from a visitor page here if needed

Account settings

Some info about the current state of the account.

“View website order history” button

A useful link that opens the personal order history webpage for this visitor. This can be useful to check what events the visitor sees in their online account. You have to be logged in to the website yourself in order to access this feature.

Personal balance

The personal balance obtained from the ticketing system.


The number of times a mailing bounced. After 3 bounces, this visitor is no longer included in mailings, since bounced mails should be avoided, and there is probably a permanent issue with the e-mail address after 3 registered bounces.

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