Google reCAPTCHA is a system that enables web hosts to distinguish between human and automated access to websites. It is used to protect forms against spambots, which can result in a lot of unwanted sent e-mails to the website owner and to website visitors.
reCAPTCHA V2 (the old way)
Google reCaptcha V2 was often used to protect your website forms against spam. However, the check to prove you are indeed not a robot was sometimes a big hurdle to take.
reCAPTCHA V3 (the new way)
Version 3 works invisibly in the background and does not ask the visitor for extra input. When the reCAPTCHA decides you are indeed not a robot, the form is automatically displayed and ready to be filled in and sent. Note the active "Aanmelden" button.
In the background the Google reCAPTCHA is active, a privacy message from Google is shown, as required. Without the reCAPTCHA, creating an account or opting in for a newsletter would not be possible. For this reason the reCAPTCHA is a functional third party helper that is active as soon as functional cookies are accepted by the website visitor.
Setting up your reCAPTCHA v3
Your reCAPTCHA comes with Analytics about how many times it was used, and the success rate.
To get your own reCAPTCHA and see these analytics you will need to register your website and get some reCAPTCHA keys.
Step 1: Create Google Account
Go to , go to the v3 Admin Console and log in (or create a Google account)
Step 2: Create your own reCAPTCHA
Choose V3, and add your website domain, without the https and without the www. See the example below. You can add multiple domains if you also want to use the account for your other websites.
Step 3: Get your public and private keys:
Step 4: Update Peppered Control Panel
Go to System > Contro Panel > Platfrom > Google reCAPTCHA.
Fill in the keys and switch V3 enabled to Yes.