Ask AI

How to use the AI assistant in the text editor to create content

A new hope phase for Peppered

With the new Dashboard coming together step by step, we have created a new foundation for AI applications. Marking an exciting new phase in our Dashboard Roadmap.

The first of many AI applications, we are launching in Beta for Release 209 a smart AI text assistant, aimed to offer huge time savings when creating content.

All rich text editors have received this AI upgrade. It can quickly summarise long descriptions for use in meta texts, taglines and teasers and even translate your texts for you.

How to use the AI assistant

Highlight text in any rich text editor and use the new AI button (top right) to open the AI assistant. If no text is selected, the entire text will be used by the assistant.

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The AI assistant will open in a pop-up and offer options for summarising and translating.

Summarising Text

Here you can set a word count. Set this to the desired settings and click Summarise.

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The summary is shown in the same window, where you can easily copy it for use anywhere you want to.

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Translating texts

Choose the Translate the selected content into option from the dropdown and select a language. Click Translate. The translation will be generated, ready to be used.

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Take note! The AI Assistant will not replace content already in the Rich Text field. If you want to use the suggested summary/translation you need to copy and paste this into the Rich Text field.

We want your feedback

This is the first step of many in our AI journey, in which we explore how we can use AI to make your live easier. As this is a beta, we would love your feedback and ideas going forward. You can send your feedback and suggestions to our Chief Experience Officer, George

During the beta phase, we offer this upgrade free of charge, but we may need to require a contribution when costs get out of hand at a later moment.

CultureTalk: Playful Innovation and AIโ€™s Role in Culture with Jocelyn Burnham

Explore the nuanced relationship between AI and cultural organisations with AI for Culture's Jocelyn Burnham. From ethical considerations to practical implementation, discover how arts venues can approach AI with curiosity rather than fear.

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