All pages of the website are built based on different Parts, set on Routes, and can be modified with Parameters.
This manual is only about the Parts, for information about the different Parameters please see our Overview of Parameters in Parts article.
The template of the Part is based on your Design (colours, fonts) and was set up during the implementation of the website.
You are probably already aware of it by using the Pages module for information pages or festival pages. There you can easily see which Parts are available. Other pages such as the Homepage, the Agenda/What’s On or the Production detail pages are also made out of different Parts.

Routes & Parts
There are many other parts that can be found in Routes & Parts. (Dashboard System > Routes & Parts) and used for other pages of the website.
All Parts you can see are active on the website and are connected to a specific page type (Route), in a specific order (row). Some parts have multiple options that can change their appearance or activate some extra features.
Almost every Part can be modified, or hidden (delete). Some parts can be used multiple times. Below you will find a list of all available parts with their parameters and their content.
Example: Change Coming soon on Homepage
If you would like to change the settings of the "Coming soon" part on your Homepage, look for the specific parameters related to Coming soon part.
In the column in the middle you will find a parameter that you might want to use, for instance "indicateGenre" in order to display genre of shows in the "Coming soon" part.
Add the text that you find under parameter (in the data overview below in this manual) in the available parameter box, and click on "Add":

A new field will be added where you can add the value of this parameter:

Video Manual: Routes & Parts
Language: English Captions: Yes (English) Duration: 4 mins, 11 seconds
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