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Genres & Tags

You can use Genres and Tags to group your Events. This is mainly used within the Agenda / What’s On overview on your website, which can help visitors to find what they are looking for.

About Genres and Tags

Genres are typically shown in a drop-down box:

A dropdown menu for all genres on the Agenda page
A dropdown menu for all genres on the Agenda page

Tags are usually shown in a tag cloud when you open the filter.

Notion image

Genres and Tags are all shown in the Production cards and Production Detail page:

Genres & Tags on the Event Card in the Agenda
Genres & Tags on the Event Card in the Agenda

Genres and Tags are links. Clicking the link in a production will bring you to the Agenda page already filtered by the selected Genre or Tag.

Adding new Genres and Tags

You can easily create new Genres and Tags by going to Dashboard > Event Metadata > Genres & Tags

All the different settings for a Genre/Tags
All the different settings for a Genre/Tags
  • Type: Type indicates in which overview the genre will be used.
    • Default for regular events/movies/long-term events
    • Course for the separate Courses overview list).
  • Use as: Select Genre or Tag. Depending on use.
  • Use in filters: Check this box to see the Genres or Tag in the filter.
Take note! If you do not check this box, the Genre or Tag will not be shown in the filter but will still be visible in all Production cards.
  • Visible: To hide the Genre or Tag everywhere, uncheck this box.
  • Name: The name shown on the website in the filters on the Agenda page, event overviews, and the header of the production detail page.
  • External ID: Used to match Genres and Tags that are imported from event planning software.
  • Slug: This is the name in the url (without spaces). Google indexes this, so it is best to keep it as simple is if possible. When creating a Genre or Tag with two words, a "_" must be added in between, not a space. Example: Classical_music.
  • Description: The description is the name shown on the agenda page when filtering on only one Genre or Tag or directly navigating to the Agenda page using the slug in the URL.
A genre specific description is shown when a Genre “Music” is selected
A genre specific description is shown when a Genre “Music” is selected

Adding Genres and Tags to Productions

You add Genres and Tags in the Productions Module and assign genre(s) to each Production.

The field to assign Genres & Tags for Productions
The field to assign Genres & Tags for Productions

SEO Features

Every Genre and Tag automatically has its own indexable page. You can activate this via the Control Panel after providing a Description and Slug in the Genres & Tags Module. If you select a Genre in the programme filter on the website, you will see that you automatically end up on /program/slug, with custom titles and the description between the filter block and the events.

Additional information and tips

  • Google already indexes some overviews. Do not just change the name of a Genre or Tag. This can affect the search results.
  • Do not use “/” in the name because it disturbs the URL. For example, do not use “youth/family” as a Genre name.
  • If an automatic event updater is used, this often requires an adjustment to correctly import a new Genre name. For more information, please get in touch.
  • Productions can have multiple Genres and Tags assigned to them.
  • Keep the Genre list as short as possible (consider them as main categories; we advise using a maximum of 8 genres), and use Tags if you need more groups to filter your program.
  • The Genres are used for the Alternative productions (suggestions are usually shown at the bottom of the Production detail page). If you do not actively select Alternative productions for “Production A” within the Productions module, and if this “Production A” has a genre, then three alternative productions will automatically be shown, having the same genre on the production detail page of the “Production A”.

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