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Mailing templates

Updated: 16th September 2024 for Release 201

Mailing templates are general templates that are used for all mail traffic to your visitors.

The information and settings of each template can be managed in Dashboard > Mailings > Templates.

Each Template contains information about the sender, a header, a footer, and of course room for the content displayed (different "Parts"). In the Mailing templates module you can manage all the templates used in the Peppered platform. This includes all newsletter variants and also the automated mailing templates (Pre- and after service mails).

Header logo The main header image/logo links to your website.

There are templates that are designed with you when the website was delivered.

The overview of all the mailing templates in your Dashboard
The overview of all the mailing templates in your Dashboard


CultureSuite creates the style sheet per template. This consists of overall layout, colors for the background and parts, texts, links and buttons. For most Templates we use the colours from your website. It is also possible to choose a different color palette for certain Newsletters. The logo in the header, the sender and the footer can also differ per newsletter template. For design changes, please contact the service portal to know what the possibilities are.


Once a Template has been built by CultureSuite, you can configure the Templates yourself.

Select the template that you want to configure.

Sender information & preamble

Manage your sender and reply information.

Take note! Leave the bounce address empty to use the general Peppered bounce system
Settings for sender & reply information and the Preamle
Settings for sender & reply information and the Preamle

The Preamble is a text area that will be shown on top of your mail template. You can leave this empty or provide text (like a link to the online version). To link to the online version, go to the code view of the text editor and add this code:

<p>Bestel snel uw kaarten | <a href="[!view!]">Bekijk online</a></p>. You can change the texts, but leave the [!view!] bit for the link to work.


Place any address or other important contact info in the footer.

When the box "Display preferences link" is checked, we will show the standard "preferences", "unsubscribe" and "view online" links. You should always use this setting when the opt-in subscriptions are hosted on Peppered. You can also switch this off and use your own external unsubscribe url by placing it in the footer textbox.

Tickbox to display preferences link or not
Tickbox to display preferences link or not

Parts & media

The shown parts are available to you when creating a mailing. These parts are all styled differently and can be reused in other mail templates. You can also duplicate a part to use it twice in the same mailing. For that you need to go to Mailings > Parts to duplicate the part. See below for more details on duplicating parts.

The Media gallery is used for the Header logo only. Different templates can use different logo's.

The Parts module

The Parts module contains all the parts that are used in all Templates. Each Part has its own styling as seen in the Code column. That code is managed in Control Panel > Manual mailings, where the entire stylesheet is available.

Take note! Do not edit the Stylesheet in the Control Panel if you are not sure what you are doing, as it can easily break

Parts can be dragged & dropped to change the default order in which they appear when you create a new mailing.

List of available parts
List of available parts
📽 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet but they are coming soon 👀 Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo in the meantime.

Duplicating Parts

You can duplicate any Part by adding a new part, giving it a distinctive name, and copying all settings of the part you want to duplicate. Then go back to your template module, open a template and add the duplicated part to your set of parts within the template.

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