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V187 | Release Notes - November 2023

Date of Release: Mon 27 & Tue 28 November, 2023

Beta: Monday 20th November, 2023

Version 187 contains a number of minor updates and tweaks, but also some nice new visual functionalities.

Completely new Text Editor

From now on it is possible to add drop-down/fold out fields (accordion) directly in the text editor. This means that these fields can be added not only on pages but also in all other places where text is located. For example on a production page or create a FAQ within a library part to reuse on multiple pages!

The FAQ on the website
The FAQ on the website
The FAQ set up in Text Editor
The FAQ set up in Text Editor

New Main Menu design

We developed a new look for the main menu. Where the menu shortcuts are left aligned, the logo is centered in the middle and on the right side you will find the account fields and the hamburger menu. A nice streamlined look with focus on the logo. Ask our experts to set up this menu for you.

Notion image

New Page part: Event List

The Page Parts continue to expand. New in the family: The “Event List” Part. Previously if you wanted to feature events on a page, you would likely use the ”event (via themes)” event (via people)” part, or maybe even “related productions” when you are really serious in linking stories and productions.

The latest option in this family is the brand new “Events list” part. You can make a selection of events based on performance date, genre, location or production type, for example. There is paginations options too. Pretty much everything you can configure and filter in your regular calendar page can be applied in this part too. A list of all parameters can be found here.

The latest version of Mollie Integration

Mollie Connect is the latest version of Mollie integration. This new version is once again more secure because the Peppered environment is now truly connected to the client Mollie account with a new application. This app uses an OAuth connection. Mollie Connect enables us to develop new features in the future, like cancellations. Read more about Configuring Mollie Connect in our manual.

Additional updates

  • At the event level you can indicate whether you want to sell tickets Securely by means of a checkbox. When the checkbox is checked, a visitor is required to be logged in when purchasing tickets and the 'deliver tickets at home' option will not be available.
  • X (formerly Twitter) will no longer be available in Narrowcasting. This is due to new policy from X itself.
  • We have added a new Template text to the Template Texts library. From now on you can indicate which text is shown between the lowest and highest price in a price range. Previously, a dash was placed automatically. Now you can, for example, choose to show the word ‘up to’. Use the Template text: FE3_priceFormat_separatorRange
An agenda view of using the template text to show the word ‘tot’ (’up to’) in price ranges
An agenda view of using the template text to show the word ‘tot’ (’up to’) in price ranges
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