This document outlines the Peppered seat validation system for seat selection in the Halls module.
It details four validation variants, including chain validation and strict no-single-seats validation, and explains the importance of seat order for accurate display and pricing. Proper configuration in the Dashboard is essential for optimal functionality.
Peppered Seat Validation VS Seat Validation by Ticketing System
The Peppered seat selection application retrieves the seats and availability live from the ticketing system.
Video Manual: Halls
Language: English Captioned: Yes (English) Duration: 11 minutes, 40 seconds
The validation that decides which seats can be selected is determined by the Peppered seat validation feature. Most Ticketing Systems also have seat validation rules, but we always advise switching them off. These rules will only intervene when booking the selected seats and will give an error message, which is confusing for Visitors. The Visitor should receive notifications during the selection of seats (via the Peppered seat validation feature) if the selection is not allowed, instead of when all seats have been selected, and the visitor clicks on “continue” (validation by the ticketing system).

Variants of Seat Validations
The Peppered seat validation currently has three variants:
- None
- Normal (Selected seats should form a chain)
- Strict (Selected seats should form a chain and leave no single empty seat)
Select one of these three options for each seated venue connected to events by going to Dashboard > Event Metadata > Halls and selecting the Hall you want to update:

Normal (Selected seats should form a chain)
The normal chain validation checks whether:
- selected seats are connected;
- and whether the selection connects to other already occupied seats;
- or connects to the end of a row;
- or leaves at least two empty seats next to the selection.
The validation allows leaving one seat empty, but ONLY if it is the last free seat in an empty area and all other seats are selected at that time.
This is not allowed if the corner seat is left unselected and you try to choose one or more seats that do not connect with other occupied seats.
Examples: (x = occupied, 0 = available)
1. In this row xxxxxxxxx000, I can fill it up to xxxxxxxxxxx0 and even xxxxxxxxx0xx (I select all open seats in an area, except 1). 2. In this row 00000000000, I cannot select 00000000xx0. I have to keep at least two seats side by side: 0000000xx00 is allowed.
Strict (Selected seats should form a chain and leave no single empty seat)
This validation follows the rules of “Normal” validation AND ensures your selection does not leave one empty seat next to your choice.
Order of Seats
The validation must know the order of the seats. Sometimes, this cannot be determined correctly with the help of the coordinates; for example, if a side balcony seat is situated next to a Hall seat but does not belong to the same row.
This is why every seat in a Hall should belong to a row to be displayed in the correct order and with the right price. This can be different per Hall (other versions of the same venue are possible) and, therefore, needs to be adjusted once in the settings for each Hall. The seat map is grouped by section and row, and within a row, several seat orders are possible (for instance, ascending seat numbers, ascending and then descending seat numbers).
We import all seats within one row from Ticketing Systems. We place them in the Seat Map based on their coordinates, but the seat validation does not work on coordinates. The Seat validation works on seats in same row, and wants to know which seats are next to each other. For example, sometimes seat 1 is next to seat 2, but for bigger Halls, sometimes seat 1,3,5, are left side while seat 2,4,6 are right side of the hall in same row. We need to tell the seat validation which order of seat numbers to use for all seats in one row to check if visitors are correctly choosing seats next to other seats and leave no singe seats:

- Ascending = 1,2,3,4,5
- Descending = 5,4,3,2,1
- even-asc uneven-desc = 2,4,6,5,3,1
- even-desc uneven asc = 6,4,2,1,3,5
- uneven-asc uneven-desc = 1,3,5,6,4,2
- uneven-desc uneven asc = 5,3,1,2,4,6
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