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How to use the Special Access tool (Time Machine)


Are you a time traveler? In your Peppered dashboard you are for sure!

It can be very handy to have a look in the future, especially when you have a presale or the start of seasons sale coming up.

What is Special Access?

When using the Special Access tool you can perform various actions, which are listed in the black box on the right of the site page. Including editing the page, revealing image crops and the Time Machine!

How to access the Special Access Tool

First make sure you are logged in in the Dashboard, if not logged in the Special Access tool is not available.

Once you are logged in to the dashboard you automatically have access to Special Access.

The Special Access tool can be hidden. You should be able to see a small black rectangular field in the upper right corner of your site. Click on it and it will enlarge.

Minimised view of Special Access Tool
Minimised view of Special Access Tool
Logged in view of Special Access Tool
Logged in view of Special Access Tool

Special Access tool not visible?

Special Access Actions

Editing a Page

When you are on a page in the special access mode, you can click on "Edit page" or "Edit production", after which you will directly be send to the right place in your dashboard to start editing this particular page .

Take note! Your home and agenda page are build within the Routes & Parts module and are therefore not accessible via this edit tool. On those pages the text "Edit Page" will be replaced by "Go to Dashboard".

Reveal Crops

A single image can be displayed on multiple places on your website. Sometimes an image is directly shown in a beautiful way on every page, but in other cases you would like to adjust the position of your image. You can do this easily with the crop tool.

Go to the page where you find the picture that you would like to adjust. Click on the "reveal crops" button and select the image you like to adjust for your whole website. You will be send to your dashboard where you can choose which part of the image you'd like to reveal on your website.

Tool Tip! To see/make the adjustments of your crop make sure you display the website on a "normal" view. If you are using a very wide/big screen you won't see the changes.

Time Machine

The Time Machine tool can be very useful when you have a presale coming up. For example, your presale groups viability starts on the 1st of March and your sale starts on the 15th of March. You can travel to those dates to see what website visitors will see by then. You can even check if discount codes work, and (if you have a visitor-tag yourself) you can see what visitors with specific tags will see. This can also be used to see how a planned banner will look on your Homepage.

Take note! When you click through your website as a time traveler, you can be thrown back to the current time if you click on short URLs. Only the URLs that are set up the right way will keep you in the time travellers mode.

Preview Templates

Some of your website texts will only be shown when an order is finished or if a payment goes wrong. With Preview Templates you can easily check the template texts of your website. When you see a text you'd like to adjust please go to your template texts module Dashboard > System > Template texts.

You can read our tips and tricks for Template Texts in the manual

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